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STECOL Wins Two National Quality Project Awards

Public Date:2023-12-13

On 9 December, the official website of the China Association of Construction Enterprise Management (CACEM) released the Decision on Commending the National Quality Project Awards for 2022-2023. The Cultural and Tourism Project in Mianyang Town, Xiantao City, undertaken by the company as the general construction contractor, and the First Phase of the Middle Line Works under the South to North Water Diversion Project - Water Diversion Works from the Yangtze River to the Han River, which the company participated in, have won the "National Quality Project Award". As of now, the company has won a total of 13 National Quality Project Awards, including 3 gold-medal awards.

The award represents the highest honor in terms of construction quality in China. As a general construction contractor, the honor effectively enhances the company's brand value and social influence, and vividly demonstrates the achievements of the company's high-quality and high-level development.

Cultural and Tourism Project in Mianyang Town, Xiantao City

Water Diversion Works from the Yangtze River to the Han River

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